Prices are indicative and subject to change.


Translation is priced per source word or per hour.

Service Rate per word Rate per hour
General translation EN-FR 0,08 € / $0.09 26 € / $30
Specialised translation EN-FR 0,10 € / $0.11 26 € / $30


Proofreading is priced per target word or per hour.

Service Rate per word Rate per hour
Proofreading French 0,04 € / $0.05 26 € / $30
Review EN-FR 0,07 € / $0.08 26 € / $30
Superficial editing EN-FR 0,07 € / $0.08 26 € / $30
Complex editing EN-FR 0,08 € / $0.09 26 € / $30

Subtitling, closed captioning and SDH

Subtitling is priced per video minute.

• Reading speed (CPS)
• Character limitation

• An SRT file per video

Service Rate per minute
Subtitling OV French 8 € / $9
Subtitling EN-FR from OV file 13 € / $14
Subtitling EN-FR without OV file 18 € / $19


Transcription is priced per audio/video minute.

Service Rate per minute
Transcription OV French 5 € / $6
Translation EN-FR of the transcription 8 € / $9